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The prize

The winner of the Golden Egg will participate in a tailor-made trip arranged by Israeli experts and the Danish Innovation Centre in Tel Avuv to the innovation hub of Israel. Your startup will gain valuable knowledge and contacts, which can help make your idea the next Danish start-up success. The Golden Egg will make sure you get to meet the unique Israeli ecosystem, entrepreneurs and leading Israeli investors and professionals during your visit. Furthermore you will be part of Israel's biggest Tech-Festival, the DLD Tel Aviv.

The prize includes (1. person):

  • A tailored program for your startup, by Innovation Centre Denmark, Tel Aviv

  • Return tickets and hotel in Tel Aviv

  • Pocket money and mentoring by BAYLUND

  • Admission to OurCrowd Investor Summit

6 Startups will be awarded a 'Scope Your Business' program by the Innovation Centre Denmark in Tel Aviv

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